Past Newsletters
As the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the connections that inspire us at xLM Solutions. Whether it’s integrating systems to create seamless solutions or strengthening the bonds we share with you, our valued partners, the power of connection drives everything we do. READ MORE
As we move through the second half of 2024, xLM Solutions is excited to introduce several new tools designed to streamline your PLM and CAD workflows. This quarter, we’re focusing on automation, efficiency, and helping you get the most out of your PLM environments. Whether it’s our CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE Drafting Template Automation Solution, the new Update CAD Title Block Tool, or our OpenBOM Export Tool, these innovations are built to simplify complex tasks and boost productivity. READ MORE
Happy New Year! I hope you had a joyful and restorative holiday and are ready for growth in 2024. Our team certainly is. As you may have seen, Ilan and I ended the year on a high note with a trip to Toulouse and Paris to visit the xLM Europe team and Dassault Systèmes’ headquarters. After an action-packed week of strategizing, networking and taking in the sights — and delicious cuisine — of these amazing cities, we were ready to welcome the New Year with open arms and can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store for our team and customers. READ MORE
First and foremost, thank you to everyone who participated in our latest 3DEXPERIENCE Roundtable and three-part summer webinar series! We had a great turn out and it was wonderful hearing from so many of our customers, colleagues and associates. READ MORE
The last few months have been busy for xLM Solutions and our European subsidiary, xLM Europe. Ilan Madjar and I had the pleasure of getting together with our colleagues, customers and friends at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2023 and COE 2023 Read More
This year is flying by and it's hard to believe February is here already! xLM Solutions closed 2022 on a very high note and we look forward to building on that momentum in 2023. Read More
What a terrific summer we’ve had! Our three summer webinars, based on our COE presentations, were huge hits. Check them out. Read More
Last month we attended our first in-person large-scale conference in two years at COE 2022 in New Orleans. It was a pleasure to meet up with old friends, colleagues and customers. We presented three sessions, which were very well received, on data migration, 3DEXPERIENCE implementations, and project management. Because of the response, we’re going to present these sessions as webinars this summer: Read More
Happy New Year! Here’s to continued growth and success in 2022. As we described in our end-of-the-year recap blog, For xLM Solutions, 2021 Was a Pretty Good Year, we continue to focus on 3DEXPERIENCE cloud platform implementations and major data migration projects, with some widget design thrown in for good measure.
Read MorexLM Solutions is proud to announce the opening of xLM Europe, a subsidiary of U.S.-based xLM Solutions, in Toulouse, France, known as the home of the European Airbus headquarters and the French space agency. This decision is a logical step in our business growth strategy as we take our deep PLM experience to the European market. We will offer the same exceptional services and deliver the same customer satisfaction we have achieved here in North America. As your PLM needs evolve, contact us for consultation and services.
Read MoreDuring this past year we had to learn how to adapt and evolve as individuals and with our respective companies. xLM Solutions hopes for a brighter future for all of us while we continue to adapt in the new normal, in a whole new world of medical discovery and learnings.
Although we miss how things were, we know we’ll eventually see each other again in events and live conferences, together like the good old days.
Read MoreHello and happy spring to everyone! It’s been a year of challenges for all of us on the personal and professional front as we adjusted to our ‘new normal.’ We here at xLM Solutions have also not been immune to the struggles and the scares. I feel fortunate and more hopeful that there is an end in sight to our collective experience of individual lockdowns. We hope vaccine roll out continues to increase in speed across the globe while we also mourn the loss of lives and pause to thank the many people who have cared for us all, from food distribution workers and grocery store clerks to our entire medical community.