We’ve been busy participating and presenting at various PLM industry events. Earlier in April, we had the opportunity to present technical sessions at COE User Conference. Marc Young, managing partner, xLM Solutions spoke to an engaged audience on:

Recap from the SmarTeam presentation:

It was encouraging to see widespread interest in SmarTeam from a significant number of customers. During the presentation, Marc’s talk covered the most popular topics for SmarTeam customers including security, database clean up, data migration, flowcharts, integration into other systems and 3D geometric searching, etc.

Some of the common comments and questions during the discussions were:

Q. We do not hear much about SmarTeam. It is really nice to see a session on SmarTeam. What kind of interest are you seeing from SmarTeam users?

A. Yes, there are still a lot of customers using SmarTeam. They are either upgrading or extending their implementation with new functionality. We are also seeing new implementations around SmarTeam. It is still a valuable choice for potential customers.What is the future of SmarTeam?

Q. What is the future of SmarTeam?

A: As a trusted solution provider, the message we are getting has been positive. Dassault is still committed to the SmarTeam. We are not aware of Dassault publishing any official information regarding the status of support for the V5 platform which includes SmarTeam. Though the message we have heard in the past is that Dassault is committed to V5 platform and there is no end of support date set for it. This is evident by the release of SmarTeam V5-6R2016 (V5R26) earlier this year.

At the same time, we encourage users to be proactive in planning for the future of their systems beyond SmarTeam. Take your time to research alternative systems such as the 3D Experience platform or others in the industry. Experts from xLM Solutions are always here to guide you with supporting the existing system or providing recommendations on other system that best fits your needs. We are also here to perform the technical migration work to migrate data from SmarTeam to a new system or simply extract it. Give us a call; we are happy to have a discussion.

Recap from the 3D Experience Platform (Enovia v6) Concepts presentation:

Our goal for this presentation was to reinforce basic concepts of the 3D Experience Platform. Attendees’ responses reflected the same when Marc talked about the concepts and solution building blocks around the 3D Experience platform.

The following questions were asked during the presentation:

Q. Are Workspaces and Global Collaborative Spaces Related?

A. Workspaces and Collaborative Spaces are not related, though Workspaces inherit the Collaborative Space permissions along with the workspace own multi-level permissions. Workspaces are more aligned with associating data/files and Project Management concepts where Collaborative Spaces are more aligned with organizational concepts.Can multiple CAs (Change Actions) associated to one CO (Change Order) be dependent on each other i.e. one CA needs to be completed before the other can start?   A. Yes this can be done. The following scenarios are possible with out of the box functionality:

Q. Can multiple CAs (Change Actions) associated to one CO (Change Order) be dependent on each other i.e. one CA needs to be completed before the other can start?   A. Yes this can be done. The following scenarios are possible with out of the box functionality:

A. Yes this can be done. The following scenarios are possible with out of the box functionality:

If you had two Change Actions (CA) in the same Change Order (CO). We can add CA 1 to be dependent on CA2. (i.e. CA1 cannot be completed before completing CA2).


We can also have CA1 and CA2 on different CO1 and CO2 and we can make CO1 be dependent on CO2.

Or we can create CA1 and CA2 both on the same CO independent of each other and be processed in parallel.

Q. How can we get a permission matrix out of Enovia for a certain Policy?  This can be done with the Spinner tool or we could write a simple program to extract the information for non-Spinner users. For instance following MQL commands can tell if a specified user has read access or not, per a specific object:

A. This can be done with the Spinner tool or we could write a simple program to extract the information for non-Spinner users. For instance following MQL commands can tell if a specified user has read access or not, per a specific object:

From the MQL command type the following:

Set context user “username” pass “userpassword”;

print bus « object type » « object name » – select state[state name].access[read];

If you are eager to know more about the topics or would like to have a chat, please contact us.

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