xLM Solutions SOLIDWORKS World 2019We’ve made our reservations (and packed our cowboy boots) and we’re ready to head to Dallas for SOLIDWORKS World 2019 February 10-13. The theme this year is Where Possibility Takes Form which neatly aligns with xLM Solutions and our focus.

We’re eager to network with SOLIDWORKS users, colleagues and partners to talk about the possibilities and challenges manufacturers face in 3D design, PLM/PDM, digital transformation and engineering. We’ll be attending various workshops, general sessions and keynote presentations.

SOLIDWORKS World 2019 Daily Sessions

Have you seen the list of keynote speakers? It’s a broad range of experts and innovators in 3D design and engineering. It’s always enlightening to hear customer success stories of how individual companies are expanding their 3D design, and engineering capabilities and processes.

As a Dassault Systèmes Value Solutions Partner, we want to hear the latest news on tools and developments from DS leadership. The Day 1 presentations set the stage for the remaining workshops and customer stories.

On Day 2, we will choose from three tracks of general sessions:

  • Design to Profit – SOLIDWORKS experts and customers will showcase the tools and solutions that can turn ideas into reality. We’ll see the newest workflows and methods to get designs to manufacturing and then sold using a seamless integrated solution.
  • New Horizons – We’ll hear from some amazing SOLIDWORKS customers who are developing barrier-breaking products outside of mechanical design. The session will consider what’s possible when using SOLIDWORKS to explore the farthest reaches of imagination.
  • R&D Futures – Speakers will preview the cutting-edge technologies taking form at Dassault Systèmes/SOLIDWORKS R&D Labs. These are the innovations shaping 3D design in the coming years.

Day 3 will include the pairing of a dynamic group of entrepreneurs with leading venture capitalists and incubators to showcase the ideas and companies that will shape the future.

Let us know if you’ll be attending SOLIDWORKS World 2019 and if you’d like to meet up.

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