If you have experienced connection issue with DSLS this week  (May 13, 2015) after installing the Windows Update KB3061518. The KB installed affects DSLS levels/versions lower than 2015x.

Details of the issue can be found from QA00000039250 article from www.3ds.com. The QA article one options to fix the issue are

  •  Add a Windows SYSTEM Variable to workstations: DSY_DISABLE_WININET. Set the value to, « TRUE. »
  • Remove MS update KB3061518, after consultation with your internal IT dept.
  • Follow MS recommendation about KB3061518 to modify registry. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3061518/
  • Upgrade to DSLS 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x.

Note, if you choose option #3 – modifying system registry we recommend to first backup theregistery, in case you need to restore the old registry values.

If you have any questions or require assistance with this matter, please contact us at support@xlmsolutions.com


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