Sustainable Innovation is at the forefront of many business strategies today as environmental concerns rise globally and calls for saving our planet and optimum use of resources grow day by day, Sustainable Innovation and Development is no more an option but absolutely necessary and essential for businesses as they expand.

In the session on Sustainable Innovation = Sustainable World conducted by last week, Frank Popielas from SMS ThinkTank and Jos Voskuil from collaborated to discuss various challenges which arise on the road to sustainable development and the possible solutions for them. The session, which was moderated by Ilan Madjar (Co-Founder xLM Solutions) saw the panel discussing topics of System thinking, VS Linear thinking, and which approach can help better when it comes to sustainability. Citing the example of the BCG Article titled The Next Generation of Climate Innovation  the panel also discussed the capabilities and the inclination of new start-ups vs. existing businesses to adapt to this change and how they can adopt these according to their business models.

Frank Popielas also touched upon how the pandemic has caused big changes in the way the businesses can run and the importance of PLM Technology which can help companies transition towards sustainable business and a sustainable world.

Follow the link to watch the discussion and share your views and comments on how you think sustainability can be brought into the mainstream and made a priority for businesses so that we become environment friendly on the road to development.

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