SOLIDWORKS PDM Dormant Files Notification Tool
The SOLIDWORKS PDM Dormant Files Notification tool alerts users when certain SOLIDWORKS PDM files have been in inactive or dormant in a specific state (e.g., waiting on approvals) for over a specified number of days.
The tool is an .exe file launched and executed through Windows Task Scheduler.
- Checks for files that have been in a specific state, for example, waiting for approvals, over x number of days.
- Sends an email to users to notify them that the identified files have been inactive for x number of days
User can configure and control:
- The number of days before the tools sends a notification
- Which folders the tool will analyze for notifications
- Which states the tool will analyze for notifications, for example, in progress, waiting for approval, etc.
The tool uses the SOLIDWORKS PDM messaging system to automatically deliver a custom email message based on inactive/dormant files as configured by the user. The system delivers a single listing all files matching the inactive/dormant state conditions to the specific user that ‘owns’ the file. It only sends one email for all files meeting the specified criteria.
Users configure the tool using a configuration file and log file, which points to a specific vault and identifies:
- which folders the tool should check
- the different states the tool should check
- how often the tool should check them
- how the subject of the email should be worded
While there is an out-of-the-box tool in SOLIDWORKS PDM with similar functionality, our tool sends one email for all files, while the SOLIDWORKS PDM tool sends one email per file. Our tool delivers enhanced functionality for enterprise-wide notifications.