xLM is happy to announce we have signed a reseller agreement with Flatter Files.

Flatter Files offers a cloud-based solution that is used in conjunction with SOLIDWORKS PDM, Autodesk Vault and Windows network drives to provide secure access to the drawings for internal viewers as well as external suppliers and vendors.

“I am so pleased about offering this to our clients. Basically, it’s a method for creating PDFs and collaborating both internally and externally with suppliers and vendors with such data,” said Marc Young, the Managing Partner at xLM Solutions.

Flatter Files helps to automate the creation of data and distribute it to the right team members. Disseminating this information is usually where a breakdown occurs in the production process. It eliminates the possibility of having multiple versions of one file with slight changes. It eliminates the question – which is the correct file?

With Flatter Files, the hand-off of the correct version of the file is easy and can be done without the recipient having to have a PDM license to view the data.

“We are happy to partner with xLM to resell Flatter Files to its clients,” said Chris Vaught from Flatter Files.

In a nutshell, it is a digital flat file cabinet for drawings and documents that is cloud-based and accessible anywhere you have an internet connection by anyone in the organization, added Chris Vaught.

Is Flatter Files Compatible with Your PDM System?

Yes. You can set up Flatter Files to work with most PDM systems so that all versions and revisions are still managed within the PDM system. Once the document is released, Flatter Files enables accessibility to anyone – even those without access to the PDM system.

Once the Flatter Files software is installed on a “host” computer, it connects to your CAD software installed on the same computer. The Uploader service generates the PDF files and optional generic CAD files. This can be initiated manually, or you can set it to occur on a regular schedule.

In addition to the PDF file, Flatter Files also gives you the ability to upload native files in support of your PDF drawing such as STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, and DWG.

To learn more about the partnership or for help getting it implemented in your company, Contact Us.

xLM Solutions offers quality end-to-end lifecycle management services and solutions that include requirement analysis, solution installation, configuration, customization, support, and maintenance. We have been helping customers succeed for over 15 years in diverse geographies and industries.


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