xLM Solutions has released a new PDM CATIA Integration Tool. The tool is able to deal with non-value-added steps that without it, engineers would have to perform when managing CATIA V5 in PDM. This, in turn, allows engineers to save time and money and focus on value-added steps i.e. engineering and design work.

The solution itself entails:

  • The ability to have bi-directional mapping between PDM Variables and CATIA Parameters (title blocks)
    • Initiate on demand
    • Through a PDM Task
    • Ability to batch plot and save CATIA Drawings as PDFs

The features of the new PDM CATIA Integration Tool include:

  • Configurable bi-directional metadata mapping of PDM Variables to CATIA Parameters
  • Ability to convert CATIA data into derived Outputs i.e. PDF, STEP, etc.
    • Performing metadata mapping at derived output creation
    • Dynamically determine where the derive output file will be stored i.e. inside PDM or on a network drive
    • Dynamically control mapping of data card variables to derived output file
    • Ability to extend solutions to meet any customer-specific requirements

 Our new tool Improves upon the current management of CATIA data in SOLIDWORKS PDM.

Watch the video to learn how this tool can save you time.


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