Are you considering a migration from Smarteam, SOLIDWORKS PDM  or another legacy system to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform? If you do, are you aware of the EDAT (ENOVIA Deployment Acceleration Toolkit) developed to ‘accelerate’ the time to perform such migrations? Many migrations will take advantage of EDAT which provides three migration paths:

  • SmarTeam/SolidWorks to 3DEXPERIENCE Power’By R2020x Migration using EDAT
  • SmarTeam/CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Power’By R2020x Migration using EDAT
  • Migrating from DEC/CATIA V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Power’By R2019x using EDAT

But while EDAT is a wonderful tool, this isn’t a magic button migration solution where all your data appears where it is supposed to be. xLM is here to help you evaluate all your data sources to see what will be the best fit for you and perhaps consider other tools that might be a better match. We are product agnostic so we are able to serve you, the client – even designing custom solutions should the need arise. There are many areas where EDAT, as it comes, isn’t enough.

For instance, you also need to consider how you are going to:

  • Institute proper planning
    • Are there downtime restrictions for the migration?
    • Will there be requirements to data access during the migration?
    • Will users be trained and prepared to use the new system?
  • What is the scope for the migration?
    • Documents, folders, BOM manufacturing data, etc.
  • Validation of the data to be migrated
  • Mapping the data to be migrated
    • Handle unique names and serialization of migrated data
    • Merge multiple source SmarTeam (for example) attributes into a single target V6 attribute if migrating to CATIA
  • Testing plans – how will the proper test migrations be executed to ensure the migration will go as planned
  • Final production

Proper planning involves knowing what is, and what isn’t allowed. This comes from knowing both your current system and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform intimately.  One key area where additional services is required is when your data contains invalid characters allowed in filenames and SolidWorks configurations like parenthesis.  In such cases, it is not as simple as just changing the file name. There are relationships between assemblies and sub-assemblies and assemblies and parts and drawings and models. If you were to change the file name of a part and that assembly is referencing that part you need to update the assembly to reflect the new file name in it as well. If you do this incorrectly, it could create a domino effect resulting in a loss of a line of data. Without properly cleaning up the data or updating the file names and references properly you’ll have a big mess on your hands.

xLM can not only evaluate your current systems it can help you decide which system to migrate to based on your needs. We have considerable experience migrating data and have encountered just about every situation you can envision. In fact, we’ve done it so often we’ve developed a tool that helps clean up the data before it becomes a problem after migration.

Which tools do we have available?

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help smooth your migration process with our expertise.

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